6016736 10 mL ATPlite 1step Luminescence Assay System, 100 mL ATP Assay Kit
ATP is a marker for cell viability due to its presence in all metabolically active cells. ATP concentration declines rap
ESI Large Rack, 60 position (5x12) (16mm) N0777244
ESI Large Rack, 60 position (5x12) (16mm)
英国AnalaRic氘灯Merck 日立
氘(D2)灯可以发射几乎连续的光谱,氘灯内部充满着一定压力的氘气,其光谱范围从紫外波段的180nm-400nm到可见光的400-800 nm 之间,这使氘灯成为高精度的分析测量仪器的理想光源。
30 nm Ultra Uniform Gold Nanospheres N8151034
Ultra Uniform Gold Nanospheres Particle Standard 1e7 particles/mL, PEG Carboxyl 0.8 kDa, 30 nm in diameter, 25 mL volume
Thermo Scientific™ iCAP™ Q ICP-MS 1341430 Pt Skimmer Cone - Cold and Hot Plasma
通过使用Thermo Scientific™iCAP™7000系列ICP-OES的可拆卸Thermo Scientific™陶瓷D-Torch套件代替传统石英炬与iCAP™7000,降低与ICP-OES技术分析相关的一些传统耗材....